7. Major Incidents

The first major incident was him forging his first check, this began it all. After the first one, he produced thousands more and perfected the art of check fraud. This got the ball rolling for everything else that he was able to swindle his way into, such as becoming a pilot. Which was his second major incident, becoming a fake pilot. He became a pilot because he could cash checks worth more money and without opening an account, this made it very easy for him to produce and cash fake checks. Becoming a pilot also allowed him to deadhead, basically fly for free, so he could move around and spread his fake checks with ease. The third major incident was him being arrested then escaping imprisonment, he was able to do this multiple times. He was arrested then was able to slip his way out by pretending he was a prison inspector, and by slipping out a toilet on an airplane. Abagnale wasn't just able to fool banks and airlines, but the law enforcement themselves.

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